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المؤتمر الدولي الأول حول: المـــاء و المنـــاخ، يومي 8-9 أكتوبر 2019، عنابة، بالجزائر.

عنوان الفعالية: المؤتمر الدولي الأول حول الماء و المناخ.

ICWC2019: The First International Conference on Water and Climate
Annaba, Algeria, October 8-9, 2019

الهيئة المنظمة :جامعة باجي مختار، عنابة .

الدولة : الجزائر.

  مواعيد الفعالية: تواريخ هامة:

– آخر أجل لاستقبال الملخصات: 30 أفريل 2019

– الرد على الملخصات المقبولة: 30 ماي 2019.

– آخر أجل لإرسال المداخلات كاملة: 30جوان 2019

– الرد على المداخلات المقبولة : 

– انعقاد فعاليات المؤتمر يوم 08 الى 09 أكتوبر 2019

ترسل كل المداخلات العلمية عن طريق موقع :

للتواصل مع الهيئة التنظيمية:
    استمارة التسجيل : أنقر هنــــا
    نبذة عن المؤتمر:

Hosted by Badji Mokhtar -Annaba University, the ICWC 2019 is a international conference on all aspects of water and climate researchs. This conference aims to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information, dissemination of high-quality research results, presentation of new policies and scientific developments and promoting future priorities for a more sustainable development. Participants from all disciplines related to Water ans Climate are welcomed to contribute to this unique event.
The scientific part of the ICWC-2019 will include plenary sessions in which keynote speakers present as well as parallel sessions in which invited papers and general papers are presented in oral form. There will be also poster presentation sessions. All the papers submitted will go through a review process to increase the quality. Accepted papers of the registered authors will be published in the ICWC-2019 proceedings. After the conference ends, high-quality papers will be considered, in extended form, for publication in the special issues of the specific reputable international journals.
The social part of the ICWC-2019 will include a welcoming reception, a gala dinner, and a tour to major touristic sites. During the conference, awards such as best paper award will be also given to acknowledge the high quality of work of the participants.

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