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مؤتمرات علمية بالمملكة العربية السعودية لسنة -2018- Conferences in Saudi Arabia

مؤتمرات علمية بالمملكة العربية السعودية لسنة 2018

  Conferences in Saudi Arabia


نقدم لكم قائمة المؤتمرات العلمية التي ستعقد بالمملكة العربية السعودية ابتداءا من شهر جوان الى غاية ديسمبر من سنة 2018،مع امكانية نشر الأوراق المشاركة في هذه المؤتمرات في أكبر المجلات العلمية المفهرسة ضمن القواعد العالمية مثل "scopus" و "springer"...

للاطلاع على تفاصيل أي مؤتمر اضغط على العنوان:

1- International Conference on Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICCME-18).

2- the International Conference on Healthcare and Clinical Gerontology (ICHCG-18) 

3- International Conference on Green Energy & Expo (ICGEE-18) 

4- The 14th International Conference on Psychiatry “Evidence based therapies in Mental Disorders” Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 14 – 16 November 2018.

5- International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing  (ICMSSC-18).

6- 393rd International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (ICCBE) in Dammam , Saudi Arabia during 13th -14th June, 2018

7- 393rd International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM) in Dammam , Saudi Arabia during 13th -14th June, 2018

8- 393rd International Conference on Arts, Education and Social Science (ICAES) in Dammam , Saudi Arabia during 13th -14th June, 2018

- jul 2018

9- 226th International Conference on Management, Economics & Social Science - ICMESS 2018. It will be held during 13th - 14th July, 2018 at Dammam , Saudi Arabia 

10- 226th International Conference on Medical & Health Science - ICMHS 2018. It will be held during 13th - 14th July, 2018 at Dammam , Saudi Arabia.  

11-  226th International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology - ICSET 2018. It will be held during 13th - 14th July, 2018 at Dammam , Saudi Arabia

12-  399th Indnternational Conference on Accounting and Finance (ICAF) 13th-14th July 2018 in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia


13-  405th International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (ICCBE)

14 - 405th International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL) 

15- 412th International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study (ICEMSS)

16- 412th International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS) 

17- 418th International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) 

18- 412th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET) 

19- 411th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering (ICSIE) 

20- 350th International Conference on Vehicular, Mobile and Wearable Technology (ICVMWT) 

21- 414th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E)

22- 424th International conferences on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS) 

23- 424th International conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS) 

24- 422nd  International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering (ICFAE) 

25- 308th  International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food Safety(ICFMFS) 

26- 421st International Conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies (ICIET) 

27- 430th International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS) 

28- 415th International Conferences on Metallurgy Technology and Materials (ICMTM) 

29- 426th International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM) 

30- 354th International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (ICTTL)

31- - مؤتمر التنمية الإدارية في ضوء رؤية المملكة 2030" خلال الفترة 11 - 13 رجب 1440هـ الموافق 18 - 20 مارس 2019م بمدينة الرياض. 

اقرأ أيضا:
مؤتمرات علمية بجمهورية مصر لسنة 2018. 

مؤتمرات علمية في الأردن لسنة 2018

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